Connector Crypto

This Connector implementation supports various mechanism to support Encryption and Signing operations.


To use a Java Keystore as your location of any key material, first create a Keystore using the following commands:

> keytool -keystore ./crypto.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -genseckey -alias secret0 -keyalg aes -keysize 256
> keytool -keystore ./crypto.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -list

Note the JKS and secret0 password used.

Next, update the following properties in your application.yml file:

  jks_filename: crypto.p12
  jks_password: password
  secret0_alias: secret0
  secret0_password: password

Finally, make sure the JKS file crypto.pkcs12 is added to the runtime classpath of the Connector.


Google GCP


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